Fantasy Unlimited Hydroplane Racing

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2017 Season Coming Soon

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HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

The Deck2Deck Fantasy Racing Season will commence in Tri-Cities, Washington this season as the Madison Regatta is a non-points race. With the short season 3 of 5 events will be double boat races (2 boat picks per race for TC, Seattle, and SD) aside from the Detroit event which has two races, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Each of the Detroit races will require a single boat selection. Strategy will be paramount this year as you’ll have to go 8 boats deep in the relatively thin field. Stay tuned race fans!

Posted on: Jun 19 2017 10:03 PM UTC Edited on: Jun 26 2017 07:02 PM UTC
robert shaw

why is it a non points race????

Posted on: Jun 28 2017 10:59 PM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

Robert, quite simply the finances of the Regatta are in limbo due to recent years weather issues, among other things, so they could not afford the full H1 fee this year, thus they are only bringing 4 H1 boats for the non-points shoot out. Madison is doing what they can to keep the Regatta going and the condensed lineup will hopefully help them get back in the black so that next year they can put on a full points race. They need folks to show up this year because the gate receipts have a lot to do with the Regattas financial health. See this Madison Courier Article for more information:

Posted on: Jun 29 2017 07:26 PM UTC Edited on: Jun 29 2017 07:34 PM UTC
robert shaw

was at the regatta, thought it was good, but a few more boats would of been nice!!! had a lot of people there, so hopefully they went into the black!!! been a race fan for years, since i live in Indy it’s right down the from me!! remember going when Miss Budweiser always seemed to win!! have you heard what they said how it went??

Posted on: Jul 03 2017 10:23 PM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

Robert, judging by what I heard Dan Cole say post race on WORX Radio, that they had a good gate and they would be back next year. I think they want to put on the full show next season and hopefully the fleet supports the new race in Alabama in late June then makes it to Madison the following week. I think the good weather and water levels really helped the gate this year. Thanks for commenting!

Posted on: Jul 05 2017 04:28 PM UTC Edited on: Jul 05 2017 04:29 PM UTC
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