Fantasy Unlimited Hydroplane Racing

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Points Updated Through Seafair 2017

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HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

The Albert Lee Seafair Trophy has been awarded and Deck2Deck has updated the point tally. Just two Deck2Deckers are now tied at the top of the heap down from a 32 way tie at the top after Tri Cities. Up next: Detroit!

Posted on: Aug 07 2017 02:47 AM UTC Edited on: Aug 07 2017 02:49 AM UTC
T K O The U-3 whithdrew from the race this weekend and did not run, and I had them as a pick. Can I still use them for Detroit or San Diego?
Posted on: Aug 07 2017 11:43 AM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

Unfortunately you can only choose each boat once per season as stated in the rules. Whether they run or not is immaterial.

Posted on: Aug 07 2017 10:25 PM UTC

So that leaves me with the 11 and 99 for Detroit. Who can I pick for San Diego? Have you done the math on this thing?

Posted on: Aug 11 2017 12:35 PM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

I have. You really had to take the 3 in TC and the 16 in Seattle when they ran. That was key I think. The 440 is running in Detroit. After looking at your picks you may need to go something like: U-440 and U-11 in Detroit, and Maybe 21 and 99.9 in SD. Or hope that 27 shows up in Detroit…Good Luck!

Posted on: Aug 11 2017 10:20 PM UTC
Handsome Transom Motorsports

TKO, you are in luck! Dave Bartush’s purchase of the U-7 has expanded your options in Detroit. Good luck to you!

Posted on: Aug 22 2017 07:10 PM UTC
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