Fantasy Unlimited Hydroplane Racing

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Oberto Prize Package

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HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

One lucky Deck2Decker will be selected to win an Oberto Prize Package. All you need to do is register to play at, pick a boat for San Diego Bayfair, and cross your fingers you are selected after the picks are locked! New D2Ders and existing players are eligible. If you are not located in and around the Seattle area shipping will be worked out on a case by case basis. We do not make money at this so we have to watch our expenditures!

Thanks for racing Deck2Deck with us in 2018!

Posted on: Sep 11 2018 11:27 PM UTC Edited on: Sep 12 2018 03:41 AM UTC

So if you’re already a Deck2Deck player, you’re entered in the drawing?

Posted on: Sep 12 2018 12:10 AM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.

As long as you make a pick for San Diego!

Posted on: Sep 12 2018 03:39 AM UTC
Scott Kuntze

I went to enter and it won’t accept my pick! It’s been Saturday all year! Can someone please fix this so I can enter!i

Posted on: Sep 14 2018 09:24 PM UTC
HydroDan's Deck2Deck Racing Inc.


Posted on: Sep 15 2018 05:19 AM UTC
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